Saturday, 13 August 2011


Why is it that no matter how much I seem to do to clear out and organise it just seems to get worse and worse?

It could just be that I haven't been able to do anything towards it for a few days and it leaves me feeling frustrated. There are so many things that I want to do but I always seem to be relying on somebody else to help me or look through things and it just delay things happening.

I now have a huge box full of things that are advertised for sale but nobody seems interested in them at the minute. I also have another pile of stuff that I still need to advertise but the photographing and writing the advert up is very time consuming and it makes me think I could be doing more around the house instead.

But I have to try and be more positive because when it starts to all seem like an impossible dream, it makes me totally unmotivated. On the upside, I've managed to get some furniture that Mum is getting rid of, so some free furniture, which is always good. The down side to it, is the sideboard that I'm getting for the room, to hide some of the little one's toys in, will need painting, so that is more time and I don't want to leave it for forever before I get round to doing it. At the moment, I'm not sure how to paint it. I need to do it in red, cream and brown but I also want it to be very personalised to us. I might need to do a bit of research into it and look round for some paint. I'm secretly excited about it.

I have a secret target for having the house tidy enough to have visitors round. Sometime in October Monkey Madam is being baptised and the church is walking distance from our house and I would like to be able to invite people back afterwards for cake and a cup of tea. At the moment, that seems like an impossible dream but I suppose from little acorns big oaks grow and each thing I sell or sort is another leaf towards the oak tree of a tidy home.

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